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Inspirational 50 Twitter Backgrounds Showcase

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 01:08 PM PST

Title-inspirational-twitter-backgroundsTwitter background design is one of the most important things, you can change in your account to attract new followers.  We only can change little things in Twitter so why we don’t put there the best we can? Let’s change our background right now, but before we do that – time for you to get inspired!

I hand picked those 50 Twitter backgrounds, while I was browsing through like 200-300 twitter pages – these all were the ones which caught my attention. Interesting to notice, not all of favorites are really colorful, but even subtle, clean and elegant but still stood out. In my opinion the best case is to create what suits you in the meantime thinking about usability and readability – but light designs with few colors included to make design shine seems to be the best case! What’s your case?

1. @nicholaspatten


2. @chrisspooner


3. @bongobrian


4. @bartelme


5. @abduzeedo


6. @boagworld


7. @cameronolivier





9. @DesignerDepot


10. @digitalmash


11. @graphicidentity


12. @mmpow


13. @ArteWebdesign


14. @cheth


15. @KrisColvin


16. @marcelsantilli


17. @Ubikwitusrex


18. @rodneireiz


19. @just4theALofit


20. @Chryseiss


21. @oxygenna


22. @luciana_luz

luciana luz-inspirational-twitter-backgrounds

23. @tonypeterson


24. @showcasemark


25. @XquiziteLizard


26. @HungryGirl


27. @elianarod


28. @davewilhelm


29. @nbawiileague


30. @LisaWorsham


31. @Go_Media

go media-inspirational-twitter-backgrounds

32. @Doubleolee


33. @theleggett


34. @Farrhad


35. @chadmcmillan


36. @myklroventine


37. @nullvariable


38. @Genuine


39. @imagedesigns


40. @marekuk


41. @Krftd


42. @ramesstudios


43. @rafalmeidaf


44. Pudny


45. @Alyssa_Milano

alyssa milano-inspirational-twitter-backgrounds

46. @andysowards


47. @binojxavier


48. @sharebrain


49. @Scarletbits


50. @nymphont


If your exclusive and unique background is not in this list, then feel free to share it with us in comments section!

Astounding Ajax/CSS Forms: 30+ Modern Trends , Tips and Techniques

Posted: 09 Mar 2010 01:00 AM PST

Form is an important element in a website.The recent developments in web 2.0 scenario and the growing quantity of web apps has even make it more important. The most important point in building a form is the usability fact. Form should be easy to understand so that visitors can enter values into the form correctly without getting confused.

In this article we will explain the various techniques, tutorials, examples relating to the modern trends in building web forms to enhance the user experience.

Form Validation Techniques

when users enter values into the form, as the owner of the site must ensure that the value in accordance with the insert is expected, provide information on visitors to the validation before they are sent to the owner of the site

1. Live Validation

Live Validation is a small open source JavaScript library built for giving users real-time validation information as they fill out forms.

2. fValidator

fValidator is an open source (free) unobtrusive JavaScript tool for easy handling form validation.

3. Validation With Prototype

The basic method is to attach to the form’s onsubmit event, read out all the form elements’ classes and perform validation if required. If a field fails validation, reveal field validation advice and prevent the form from submitting.

4. Ajax form validation

This is Ajax form Validation, you can learning how to use AJAX to process and validate your forms.

5. jQuery inline form validation

6. sForm – Ajax Form Validation

This validation form is a real-time feedback to users, when they fill out the form, they will know what happened to see the color will appear. Fields that have not been properly will appear red and after validation is going to be green. This will facilitate the user when filling out the form

AJAX/CSS Forms Tutorials

7. How to make a password strength meter for your registration form

This tutorial will teach you how to make a password strength meter


With AJAX the browser page is not reloading, but the data is just sent to the server for processing. The server saves the data or calculates something and sends back the answer. The AJAX JavaScript either displays the answer (page) or does some action depending on the answer

9. Style Web Forms Using CSS

In this article you will look at step by step how you can use CSS to create attractive and usable forms.

10. Styling File Inputs With CSS And The Dom

This tutorial will explain stylish file upload inputs via clever use of js and css. This is great tutorial form Shaun Inman.

11. Degradable Ajax Form Validation

If you've ever confronted the task of validating data in a form, you know about choice. Whether it's choosing between client side or server-side scripts, or the amount of information a user should see on the screen, the results should always give the user quick and meaningful feedback, while providing a solution for when things go wrong.

12. Fancy Contact Form

In this tutorial you will learn to make an AJAX contact form which leverages modern web development techniques. You will using PHP, CSS and jQuery with the help of the formValidator plugin for form validation and the JQTransform plugin, which will style all the input fields and buttons of the form.

AJAX CSS Form Online Builder

13. Form Assembly

This is A CSS Stylesheet Collection for Web Forms

14. Web Form Factory

Web Form Factory is an open source web form generator . They will automatically generates the necessary backend code to tie your form to a database.

15. JotForm

JotForm is the First Web Based WYSIWYG Form Builder. Create and publish web forms using your browser. Its drag and drop user interface makes form building doable for anybody that wants to do it

16. Wufoo

Wufoo is HTML form builder helps you create contact forms, online surveys, and invitations so you can collect the data, registrations and online payments you need without writing a single line of code.

17. FormLogix

FormLogix is an online form builder tool for creating web databases and web forms. FormLogix is a WYSIWYG tool and it requires zero coding skills. It enables a user to easily create web forms and web databases such as: Contact us forms, Feedback forms, Events registration forms, Surveys, online Polls, Order forms, Invitations, CRM

18. Phpform

Phpform  is free form builder . You can create online forms quickly and there are many color options available form

19. Formspring

FormSpring's is easy form builder that make companies and organizations an easy to create some form online to begin the integration with the web site and data collection

20. Icebrrg

Icebrrg can easily create any kind of online forms for websites and blogs – no programming skills or special skills needed.

AJAX CSS Form Best Examples

21. Masked Input Plugin

22. prettyForms

23. Ajax Contact Form with YUI

24. Ajax Chained Selectdemo

25. Instant Edit

26. Anchor Layout with Forms

27. Uploadform

28. Textarea

29. CSS-based Form Template

30. Uniform

Feel free to share your tips and techniques using comments section.

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