[New post] YQL Geo Library - get all your geo needs in JavaScript

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YQL Geo Library - get all your geo needs in JavaScript

Bogdan Michka | March 12, 2010 at 9:49 am | Tags: api, free, geo, geolocaton, ip, javascript, latlon, library, url, web development, yql | Categories: development, free, tips-n-tricks, web | URL: http://wp.me/pHbzX-hR

From the website:

YQL Geo Library - get all your geo needs in JavaScript - geolocation, reverse geocoding, content analysis

Here is a simple JavaScript library that answers most of your geo questions. It wraps the following services in a simple interface:

* Yahoo Placemaker
* Yahoo GeoPlanet
* jsonip.appspot.com
* IP location tools
* W3C Geo location
* Flickr.places.findByLatLon

Usage: To use the geo library, simply include it in your document.

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