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Ultimate Roundup of Free User Interface Icons

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 01:00 PM PST

The role and purpose of icons is user interaction is very important these days.  Icons can enhance the user experience and user friendly icons are really appreciative but they should be unique and easy to understand. There are so many icon websites available on the web but what we are presenting here is only high quality and web2.0 free icon packs collected from various websites ,designers galleries and blogs.

In this icons series we have divided the icon packs in to three main categories. Web and user interface icon-packs, Social-media packs and other icon packs.You might have seen these icons somewhere, But we narrated here some of them you might have not seen. Not all icon packs are for commercial projects, you can use some of them for your private projects and for your personal use. Please see the usage license and derivation rules carefully before using any icons.I’m 100% sure you will love this Huge and Extensive collection of icons.

Web and User interface icons:

In this category you can download the vector,dock and some illustrator icons for your web design and development system and your CMS too.

1.Scalable icons

This set contains 25 scalable Illustrator format icons.
Disclaimer & Conditions: The set is licensed under Creative Commons License.Redistribution, Release for Download, use for commercial purpose or selling of these icons on an another site without permission is completely prohibited.

2.Free vector icons

Here are 30 free vector icons with an apple touch to it. The download contains the PSD source file.These icons can also be used as iPhone menu bar icons.

3. Diagona-icons

400 (200+200) icons are included in PNG format (10×10 and 16×16 pixel).To remove the attribution, please purchase the license.

4. Free web development icons

Free web development icons icon set is done in web 2.0.

License: These icons are free to use in any kind of project unlimited times.
Amount of icons: 80 , Icon Sizes: 24×24

Amount of icons: 60 Icon Sizes: 24×24

Amount of icons: 26 Icon Sizes: 16×16

Amount of icons: 32 , Icon Sizes: 16×16

Amount of icons: 26 , Icon Sizes: 16×16

5. Blogging icon set

Specially designed for bloggers. There are totally 12 shiny and modern icons for your blog. Sizes 24×24, 36×36 and 48×48 in png format. Blogging Icons Set is released under Creative Commons License, please feel free to use it on your personal and commercial projects.Designed by Blog perfume.

6. Go-green-minimalistic-icons

In this icon pack, there are 108 different icons. You can use for your websites, blogs or applications. These icons comes with e Commerce icons, social media, computer accessories, multimedia icons.These icons are available in 64 x 64 px and in transparent PNG formats.It’s a freebie from Dawghouse design studio.

7. Tango icons

It’s a revision pack of the previous release in Tango style.licensed CC BY-SA.

8. Function-icon-set

A consistent style with a glossy look with a set of 128 Free Icons for you to use in any projects,These icons are absolutely free! You can use them anywhere.

9. One bit icons

Icon set of 50 icons.
License: These icons are free to use in any kind of commercial or non-commercial project unlimited times.

10. Vaga icon sets

Set of 60 icons, semi-transparent .png icons (16 x 16) ready to use and available for free download.

11. Woofunction-web design icons

The Woo Function icon set includes 178 amazing web-related icons in a sophisticated and glossy design style. All 178 icons are available at 32×32 pixel PNG files.This is a classy icon set from woo themes.It’s a collaboration of wefunction and woothemes.This icon set is released on the GNU general public license.

12. WIP-Web-Iconset

A beautiful icon set for web designer’s personal use.
License: For non-profit use ONLY. Commercial(e.g. for company website, application interface etc.) use is strictly forbidden.

13. Iconic project

Iconic is a minimal set of icons consisting of 103 marks in raster and vector formats — free for public use.This set is currently licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license.

14. Glossy Buttons

This set have clean and crispy look with consistency.The Glossy Buttons is a collection of 33 high-quality stylish icons ranging from 16×16 to 48 x 48 pixels.This icon collection is created for multiple uses.The icons can be used royalty-free by the license for any personal or commercial project including web application, web design, software application, mobile application, documentation, presentation, computer game, advertising, film, video.

15. Icons from iconblock

Snow pack

102 royalty free website & GUI icons in various formats that can be used for both personal and commercial purposes.

Blue Coral

More collection of 77 blue and grey rounded button icons designed for website use. These icons are perfect if your looking for simplicity and style as well as uniformity. A freeware release


74 xp themed icons that will surely breath new life into your blog or website application.

16.ORB icons

Free to use,for more information contact the designer.

17.Mini icon collection

Here are 113 10×10 greyscale icons in .gif format. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 licence.

Just another mini icon set

Pretty small icons.Some rights reserved.This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.

18.ColorCons icon set

ColorCons are 49 different icons available in 4 different colors.
Formats and sizes included in the package are.Terms of usage are in the  pack.


The Sweetie family is cute and clean.And free! This set has been around for five years, but it’s still going strong.Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0

20.Milky icon set-All in one package

This is another lovely set of simple but nice icons happily created by IconEden.com. The Milky set contains more than 131 icons primarily colored in green, giving an eye-pleasant look and prominent display on either dark or bright backgrounds.


A special icons of adobe's master collection.For license please verify in icon page.

22.Bright free icon set

This 148-icon set contains all crisp-shaped icons that are designed for wide use in web applications, multimedia and software.So you can use Bright! for free for your personal and commercial projects.

23.Hand pointer icons

Free icon set that includes 36 hand pointer icons of 6 different types with 6 color variants. Icon set also includes .psd source file.

24.Once from Delacro

You can use them on your personal blog. Just send me a mail and let.Non commercial use.

25.Webmaster icons-Dellipack 2.0

The DelliPack 2.0 icons are a high quality pack of developer icons and webmasters icons.

26.Designer icons

This set includes Adobe Graphic Icons, Designers Icon.For more information see in source page.

27.Icon pack by Psferox designs

Specifically these icons designed for designer’s use.


These icon sets are specifically made for mobile applications,websites and GUI designs.For license details please get more information from the source.


Specifically for i-Phone developers,Free for anyone to use under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Canada license. You may use or modify these icons in any way as long as you credit www.pixelpressicons.com.

30.Web standard icons

28 icons for web designers and blogger.

31.Vector arrow icons

Freshly made, tasty vector icon with 64 icons.They’re entirely free.

32.Glossy Vector icons

This particular icon set falls into the “window” category. Nothing to do with “Windows” the operating system, but the adjustment of windows, panes, and closure icons.85 shining icons ready for your next design.

33.Icons for your photo editing app

Image related icons.-Some smiling lips, a camera lens, some vortex colour, a crop tool, a TV icon, and plenty more.they’re free to download and use as you wish!

FYI : Social media icons will be coming in the next part of the icon packs after that other icon packs too.

25 Awesome Tips to Become a Successful Freelancer

Posted: 10 Mar 2010 02:00 AM PST

Being a freelancer means a lot of freedom to plan your own days at work, but it also does require discipline and planning. Being your own boss, you need to be good at making the right rules to succeed. Most of these tips sound just like common sense, but actually remembering everything when it’s needed isn’t necessarily as easy as you would think.

Different rules work for different people. Having worked as a freelancer on and off for over ten years, I’ve created this list of my best tips on how to succeed. Maybe you already use several of these or versions of them, great! Hopefully you will also find a tip or three that can help you to succeed in what you do! :)

1. Make a marketing/business plan

This should be the first thing you do. Even though you have all the info needed in your head, putting it on paper will give many advances and definitely be worth the extra work. Not only will you that way be «forced» to think through important issues and possible challenges before they occur, but it can also be a lot easier for you to get the needed help from potential business partners or investors when you have a good business plan to show them.

2. Plan your days ahead

Allow yourself an hour or so at the beginning of each work week, or the last hour of the previous week to plan the upcoming week. Then it’ll be easier for you to plan how to spend your hours to reach the deadlines you have upcoming. The more ongoing projects you have, the more important this is.

Picture by Hilde Vanstraelen

3. Use free software

Starting up as a freelancer can be challenging economically, and by choosing from all available and good free software you can save a lot of costs without necessarily having to give up a lot of functionality. Free doesn’t have to mean it’s not good software, there are more and more options available every day so make sure you check out what can be used related to your business. When you buy a computer, camera, tablet or printer make sure to check out the software that comes with it as well. You may be in for a positive surprise.

4. Create an eye-catching logo

To look professional and catch those potential clients in a tight market, requires hard work when it comes to branding yourself. Creating an eye-catching logo (or getting someone to do that for you if you lack the skills yourself) can make you seem more professional and easier to see. The power of a good logo and actually using it on business cards, websites and such will give you that professional look which could be the extra inch needed to catch the attention of a new client.

5. Learn to say NO!

If you don’t have the time for another client at the moment, it’s important to be able to realize it and say no. It is the most fair thing to yourself, your existing client and the new ones that knock on your door. Worst case scenario is saying yes to too many and it having consequences for existing clients. You always want to make sure you have enough time to give your current clients the best service you can. A client too many could be the thing that lowers the quality of  all your work.

6. Make a blog/website

In this Internet age that we are, having a website of your own can mean a whole lot. Not only does it make you look more professional but it is also a gateway to new clients. Many do surf the net to find people for their next projects and if they can’t find you online they won’t know you’re there.

Picture by Claudio Sepulveda Geoffroy

7. Update your website regularly

Do you already have a website or blog? – great! But to maximize its value to you it’s very important to update it regularly. If new clients visit your site and see that you haven’t updated the content for a very long time, that might just be the reason for them to choose someone else instead. Updating regularly will require an hour of your time every now and then but can pay back multiple times rewarding you with new clients.

Picture by Ben Lancaster

8. Give your online visitors something free

Giving something extra to the visitors on your website always is a good thing. If you work as a designer you can for example consider putting up some free textures or buttons. This will give your site more visitors and potentially more clients for you. Or how about offering every visitor a percentage off on their first order with you? Again, this could be the extra thing needed to stand out to new clients.

Picture by Mario Alberto

9. Use social media

Social media is where many relationships are made these days. No matter which country you live in, using social media can connect you to potential clients and partners all over the world. Twitter is a must, and you should consider Facebook and also forums related to your business. If you are a designer consider having a look at deviantArt and YouTube aswell. In several of these media you can advertise for your own business as long as you make sure to not spam it too much.

Picture by Davide Guglielmo

10. Get allies

Having allies can mean everything. Connecting with people through social media or even spreading the word of your business through friends and family can get you just that word out there that you need. Also making relations with people who can do things for the clients that you can’t can help, you give the clients a more complete package of what they need. One day you are the one sending a client to an ally that can offer a more suitable service in that case, the next day you could be the one having clients sent your way.

Picture by Glenn Pebley

11. Save for rainy days

Even though your business may go really well, there can and probably will come a bad month or two every now and then. Being a freelancer is being vulnerable to changes in the market. My advice would be to save up a little bit of your income each month, save it in an own savings account so that you have it as a safety buffer for when times get rough. You sure wont regret doing that. It would be a shame if a couple of small bills would ruin everything for you in a bad month.

Picture by Marcelo Moura

12. Be creative

There are many ways to be creative, to get new clients or to make better use of equipment and office space. Some examples can be to upgrade an existing computer if you can’t afford a new one, redecorate a spare room if you can’t afford the rent for an office outside of your home. Add a new product or service to your current list or ask friends or family if they know anyone that may be in need of your services. The options are many, all you need is to try think a bit out of the box.

Picture by Ayhan Yildiz

13. Reward loyal customers

If the market is tight you need to do what you can to have your customers back a second and third time. Being friendly and service minded is always a must, but what about giving them a discount the second time? Or sending them special offers of various kinds. Use your fantasy and implement these things into your business plan. Make customers want to come back and you will have the best possible chance to survive.

Picture by Deb Walker

14. Treat every client as if he is the only one

Giving existing customers good offers as mentioned in the previous tip is important. But remember to be service minded. If a customer feels important that will make him more loyal as well. Use positive language when you talk or write to him. Don’t be afraid to say that you will go out of your way to make sure he is satisfied with the product/service he is getting. And remember to let him know that feedback is appreciated. That way you can keep making your services more and more attractive and get happier clients. Don’t forget that existing clients can be the best advertising you ever get!

Picture by Shlomit Wolf

15. Work when you are at work

If you have decided to work from lets say 8am to 4pm every day, then do so. If you have errands to run, private mail accounts to check, private phone calls to make and so on, these will quickly eat of your much-needed work time. Make a promise to yourself to only do this when you are not supposed to work, as in before or after work or during your lunch break. It may not seem that much to you, but I’ve seen several great freelancers getting their days completely messed up because they were not good enough at managing their time properly.

Picture by Zsuzsanna Kilian

16. Know when to start and stop

Just as important as actually working when you are at work, is starting when you should and stopping when you should. You may have to prepare yourself for working extra hours every now and then to keep your business alive, but it is very important that you have free time too. You need to recover and get your mind filled with other things or you will get burned out and ruin things for yourself. The more hours you work at once, the less productive you get. So remember to follow your own rules on when to start and stop the day at work.

Picture by Nick Colomb

17. Keep your finances tidy

Keeping your finances tidy probably sounds easy, and it can be – as long as you keep an eye on them regularly. No matter how small a business you are running you will run into trouble if you only spend time on billing and accounting once or twice a year. Set up dates for when you pay your bills, when you send out invoices to clients and to make monthly budgets. Not only will this make it easier for you throughout the whole year but you will be able to fix errors quicker, do adjustments if needed and so on.

Picture by Michal Ufniak

18. Remember to breathe

Breathe you say? Yes ;) And by breathing I mean that you need to take care of yourself. You may be freelancing using a computer or two, a camera or other tools, – but the most important tool will always be yourself. And just like any other tool you will be in need of some defragging and polishing yourself. Remember to continue to spend time on your hobbies, friends and family even if you have a busy work schedule.

Picture by Alex Bramwell

19. Get out of the house occasionally (especially if you work from home)

If you have a home based office it’s important to get some fresh air. Book some of your meetings somewhere else, meet business partners for lunch, or spend an hour or two working from a library or coffee shop with your laptop if you can. The change of scenery may boost your energy level/creativity and give you a lot back.

Picture by Jesse Therrien

20. Make an inspirational string

Rough days come and rough days go. Simple as it may sound, having something around you to remind you of why you are working this hard can be what you need to get some extra energy on that one difficult day. Make your own inspirational string! Take a piece of string or use a cork board/whiteboard, whichever you have available. Add a picture of your kids, of the vacation spot you are saving to go to, or maybe a car you hope to be able to buy. Add some of your favorite inspirational quotes or pictures, whatever inspires you really. And there you go, your own inspirational string! Taking a look at it when you are close to giving up or when a day is extra stressful can work wonders for you. You should give it a try :)

Picture by Cristopher Bruno

21. Be humble

No one is born an expert or world champion. If things go well or you feel on top of things it can be easy to get a little bit too confident, which can be bad for your reputation and bad for the quality of your work. You should always aim to be humble, listen to your clients on what they want. Give them your professional opinion when needed but in the end it is the client that generates your paycheck. Also remember to willingly take advice from colleagues or others who have been in the market for a while.

22. Look professional, in every way possible

You have the logo, the website and so on and things are starting to look pretty good. Remember to also meet clients with respect, look presentable and be polite. Being your own boss doesn’t mean you can talk or act in any way and still keep your clients. Remember that.

23. Ask for feedback

Not only should you have comments enabled on your website but you should also ask your friends/family/allies for feedback on your work. And most important of all, after you have finished your project – ask the client what he thinks. Not only do you get a great chance to improve but the client also feels important. Getting someone else’s opinion is always good and this will help you to become even more successful.

Picture by Dominik Gwarek

24. Always carry a notebook around with you

It being a normal notebook, your iPhone or any other digital form of “notebook” you should carry it with you and remember to take notes. This is for many reasons. Not only can you unexpectedly run into a potential client or an existing one, but you may come up with valuable ideas when you are on the bus, on the plane or basically anywhere else. Several times have I had amazing ideas, not had a notebook, forgotten the ideas and seen them used somewhere else a year later.

Picture by Typofi

and last but not least

25. Take the time you need!

This is so important, it can’t be mentioned enough. Same as with the tip about learning to say no. Once you have said yes to a project you need to make sure that you take the time needed to do the best you can do. Handing over a project that is half done will not only give you a client who won’t come back, but it can give you a bad reputation. Your clients are your best references to show in the future and no one want a freelancer who leaves the work half-finished.

Picture by Kriss Szkurlatowski

That was my first article here on 1stwebdesigner, and I hope you enjoyed it and found the tips useful.
Feel free to leave your own tips or feedback using the comments, and good luck in the world of freelancers! :)

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