[New post] Why new hard disks might not be much fun for XP (and Windows Server 2003) users

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Why new hard disks might not be much fun for XP (and Windows Server 2003) users

Bogdan Michka | March 11, 2010 at 8:30 am | Tags: 4096, 512, bios, efi, error checking, format, hard drive, hdd, large, paging, sectors, windows xp, xp | Categories: business, technology | URL: http://wp.me/pHbzX-hv

A great technical article:

Why new hard disks might not be much fun for XP users

A rather surprising article hit the front page of the BBC on Tuesday: the next generation of hard disks could cause slowdowns for XP users. Not normally the kind of thing you'd expect to be placed so prominently, but the warning it gives is a worthy one, if timed a bit oddly. The world of hard disks is set to change, and the impact could be severe. In the remarkably conservative world of PC hardware, it's not often that a 30-year-old convention gets discarded. Even this change has been almost a decade in the making.

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