[New post] PHP RSS Reader | RSS Aggregation For Your Website!

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PHP RSS Reader | RSS Aggregation For Your Website!

Bogdan Michka | February 24, 2010 at 9:55 am | Tags: feed, free, php, rss, tool, website | Categories: development, free, web | URL: http://wp.me/pHbzX-eF

From the website:

PHP RSS Reader | RSS Aggregation For Your Website!

Do you provide incredible content on your website to keep your users eager to come back on a daily basis?

Why would a user be so excited they actually want to jump out of bed in the morning to come back to your website every day? what's new? What's in it for them to get excited about?

Imagine if there was a way to provide new, relevant content from thousands of different sources every minute, automatically on your website. How much more eager would a user be to come back for more?

This is exactly why PHP RSS Reader was created, to give you the opportunity to automatically provide your users with an incredible amount of information in a compelling, simplistic format and provide this new, relevant content every single minute!

Your website will benefit from PHP RSS Reader, Take a look at the demo…

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